Browse mineral resources


Rose Pit and Plant

Inghram Sand and Gravel Pit

Van Gravel Pit and Mill

Weber Road Pit and Plant

Wormuth Plant

Barney and Dick Pit and Mill

Binghampton Brick Co. Pit

Hales Pit

Murphy Pit

Brown No.1 Well

Pond 4 Pit

Mills Pit

New York State Dept. Trans. Pit

Inghram Sand and Gravel Pit

Hales Pit

Rose Pit

O Brien Pit

Hale Pit

Chenango Bridge Pit

Boland Pit

Chase-Troy Chem.Co.No.1 Well

Wormuth Pit

Serafini Pit

Lee Pit

Crouch Pit

Harry Pease No.1 Well

Conklin Gravel Bed

Weber Road Pit

R.G.Hotchkiss No.1 Well

Windsor Town Pit

Corbisello Quarries

Murphy Pit

Binghampton Brick Co. Pit

Barney and Dick Pit

© 2010-2018 Lee C. Baker unless noted. All rights reserved.